Newly Graduate from the fearless University of Maryland with a Bachelor
in Computer Science and Minor in Mathematics, I am behind excitement.
It was not a easy ride but with the help of freinds and familly I reached the
end of the tunel and I am very pride of miself for achiving this
amazing milestone.
It is a four year hard work and commitment that get me to that level.
Getting a four year degree is a lot of effort and sacrifice. But I am glad I was
able to achieve that with brilliant.
The japaneese Characters on the picture means BLESS.
With The University : Third place
With Montgomery College: First Place
Logarithms to revolutionize space exploration.
The students are developing and testing algorithms that
could one day be used in NASAs Mission to Mars. Robots are
needed for In situ resource utilization (ISRU) by collecting
materials such as water ice and useful minerals from the
Martian surface to be used by astronauts who land on Mars
in future missions. Swarmies are small robotic vehicles measuring approximately 30 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm.
Each Swarmie is equipped with
sensors, a webcam, GPS system, and Wi-Fi antenna. They operate autonomously and can be programmed to communicate and interact as a collective swarm. The Third Annual Swarmathon will occur in April, 2019 at NASA Kennedy Space Center. Students from Minority Serving Universities and Community Colleges are encouraged to apply and compete. Students will be challenged to develop search algorithms for robotic swarms. Swarmathon participation will: improve students skills in robotics and computer science and further advance technology for future NASA space exploration missions.
Koudo to my freinds from the University of New Mexico!
Coding is Sweet!
Pacman Agent
In this project, The Pacman Agent will find paths
through his maze world, both to reach aspecific
location and to collect food efficiently. Build
search algorithms and apply them toPacman
Scenarios. As well as learning how to code
in Python, this game give the ability tostudents
to navigate into the large dictionary, structure,
syntax, grammar of this fantasticcoding language
that Python offer.
Coding is Fun!
Orioles BaseBall
This project was a game Orioles Baseball with interpreter.
Small Parser and Interpreter inRuby. We implement a game
called Orioles baseball mainly focusing on interpreter.